Tuesday, November 19, 2019

National History Day, 2019: Breaking Barriers in History

Here is this year's NHD Theme Webinar to help you explore different topics and dissect this year's theme.  Find a topic that inspires you!

Here is a picture from our own town of Fairfield, provided by the Carnegie Museum.  What can this picture tell you about breaking barriers in our own community?

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Stock Market Game

7th grade GOAL students:

Have one person create a Google Doc for your Stock Market Game team.  Share it with each member and with Mrs. Edlin.  Make a list of stocks of interest.  Look for companies and parent companies of products you already know, use, buy, value, and respect.  Compare their prices and their histories.  Explore all the outside links on The Stock Market Game site, and use the other resources below.  We'll start trading next week!

More Resource Links for The Stock Market Game: