Thursday, September 23, 2021

Deep Thinking Friday 9/23/21

Watch the following TED talk.  Make 3 connections to your own life, your own school, your own town, and/or your world.  Put those connections in the Canvas discussion online for your class.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Sports and Games Around the World

5th grade GOAL Students

The link below will take you to a Google Doc.  Check out the sites on that Google Doc and read about sports and games around the world that Americans don't know much about.  Choose one that you will research and teach the class.  Once you have a topic, start your own Google Doc with facts about your sport or game.  Don't forget to document your sources (you need at least 3 different sources on your topic) so you can make a bibliography as part of the project.

Go to the following link:

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Archimedes and His Inventions

Watch the following videos. On a post-it note, write your name along with your thoughts.  What do you notice?  What do you observe?  What do you wonder? 


Monday, September 6, 2021

Flexible Seating Form

 Please answer the questions on the GOAL Flexible Seating Form.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Deep Thinking Friday: Fermi Paradox



Watch the video above.  Write something you notice, observe, or wonder in the Padlet here. (10 pts).  Rank other posts with stars.