Friday, March 27, 2020

Deep Thinking Friday: Quarantine Edition 3/27/20

In case anyone is checking the blog, below are some things to explore for this Deep Thinking Friday.  It's hard to think that the last day we were together was Friday the 13th when our topic was Coronavirus.  It seems like a lifetime ago!  Be well.  Keep reading and thinking and learning.

What do you notice?  What do you observe?  What do you wonder?

Japanese Chef's Meal Journal

Space Shuttle Thermal Tiles

The Crusher

Balcony Marathon

Tallest Outdoor Elevator in the World

3-D Trick Art

Fingal's Cave (I saw basalt columns like this in Iceland last summer... very cool!)

Comments are welcome, of course!  What cool things are you finding while you're home?  Share with us all!

Sunday, March 8, 2020


Let's work on some coding!

 You may use any of the following options: (drag and drop/block coding... this is the beginner level for those who haven't tried coding before) (more block coding... this site lets you use your imagination to create more than to solve puzzles like on (several coding activities... I don't know much about this one... maybe you could become our expert on this site!) (this is where you can learn different computer programming languages like HTML, JavaScript, and iOS) (a variety of computer programming experiences in the Khan Academy course platform) (another site to learn different coding languages)

Look through the sites and find an area that interests you.  Decide what you will learn in the next few weeks.   Create an account for yourself using your school e-mail and password, and start learning!