Thursday, April 23, 2015

5th Grade GOAL: Blogs & Fibonacci Numbers

Complete the following items:

  1. Finish your blog post reflecting on Independent Projects.
  2. Comment on at least 3 other students' Independent Project blog posts.
  3. Set up your Goodreads account.
  4. Using widgets, attach your Goodreads account to your blog.
  5. Add books you're currently reading to Goodreads, and/or update your progress on those books (MAKE SURE TO LOG OUT WHEN YOU'RE DONE).
  6. Watch the following videos:

Finally, start a blog post (you don't need to publish it yet) on what you think about Fibonacci numbers at this point.  For some of you, this is the first time you've ever heard of such a thing.  What are your thoughts?  What are your questions?  What are your observations?  What did you learn so far?

Thursday, April 9, 2015

6th & 7th Grade GOAL: Be Inspired and Inspire Others!

  1. Go to the TED site or the TED Ed site.
  2. Browse all the different TED talks available.
  3. Watch a TED talk of your choice.
  4. Write a blog post about the TED talk including the following information: what it was called, what it was about, who you would recommend it to and why, and how you would rate it on a scale of 1-5 stars and why.
  5. Include the link or embed the talk into your blog post.
  6. If you have time, repeat steps 1-6.

8th Grade GOAL: Intro to Documentary Films

Today in class, you are going to be investigating different aspects of documentary filmmaking.  Watch and read as much as you can this period.  If you're already in a documentary film group, divide and conquer so all the links get covered by someone in your group.  You're not required to take notes, but feel free to write down anything you'd like to remember for the process.

About Documentaries
Ken Burns on Story
How to Create a Digital Story
The Seven Elements of Digital Storytelling
What is Digital Storytelling?
Documentary Filmmaking Resources
Digital Storytelling Resources
What is a Documentary Film?

Filmmaking Tips
Shoot Like a Pro: Interview Basics
How to Film an Interview
Composition + Framing: Storytelling with Cinematography
How to Write a Documentary Script
Rock Your World: Producing Documentaries
Documentary Storytelling Techniques

Documentary Examples
Mad Hot Ballroom
Supersize Me
The Awful Truth

Monday, April 6, 2015

Project Reflections!

Third quarter was full of projects... Independent Projects, History Day Projects, Images of Greatness Projects... LOTS of projects.  On your blogs, complete the following reflection in paragraph form.  If there is a way to include a picture or to embed your project, please include it in your blog post.

1.  Briefly describe your project, both your topic and the format in which you presented.

2.  What do/did you like most about your project?  Explain.

3.  What are two of the most interesting things you learned about your topic during your research?  Why did they interest you?

4.  What was the hardest part of this project, and why?

5.  How did you improve as a learner or as a student during the process of this project?  Explain.

6.  If you could do the whole thing over again, what would you change and/or improve?  Why?

7.  What are you most proud of when it comes to the whole experience of this project?  Explain.

8.  If you have any genuine suggestions about how to improve this project or how to make this project more meaningful to future students, please include them at the end.

When you finish your blog post, you may go to any site on Idleness Prevention Society.