Thursday, May 2, 2019

Nauvoo Field Trip Reflection

Reflect on your field trip to Nauvoo.  Write a new blog post, and answer the following:

  1. What was your favorite part of the trip, and why?
  2. What was the most educational part of the trip?  Explain.
  3. What is something specific that you learned about how pioneers lived in the 1840's?  Explain.
  4. What is something you learned about the Mormons and/or why they moved west in the 1840's?  Explain.
  5. There are so many parts of Old Nauvoo that we didn't get to see.  It's open all year around, and it's free.  Would you ever go back to see the rest with friends or family?  Why or why not?
Feel free to include any appropriate pictures in this post that you took during the field trip.  Publish, and comment on the posts of others in the class.  If you forget how to write good comments, you can always refresh yourself with this video!

If you get done, start another post (you don't have to publish it yet), and embed your Westward Expansion slideshow.  We'll reflect more after everyone has presented.

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